
Sprache Englisch, Slovene, Spanisch
Kosten 100 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen
Dauer 2 Stunden

Kamnik is one of the oldest and most beautiful small towns in Slovenia. It lies just beneath the Kamnik and Savinja Alps, only 25 km from the state’s capital, Ljubljana, and 10 km from the national airport Letališče Jožeta Pučnika.

The history of Kamnik goes back to the Middle Ages when Kamnik was a flourishing craft and trade centre, home of many aristocratic families, among them the counts of Andesch from Bavaria (today’s Germany) who decided to make of Kamnik the seat of their properties. The two-storey Romanesque chapel on Mali grad Hill is one of the most important cultural and artistic monuments in the Slovenian architectural heritage and a unique piece of work. Today the town is a magnet for nature and sports lovers due to its exceptional geographic situation, cultural heritage, charming, narrow streets and good vibes and numerous events that take place all year long, among them you shouldn’t miss the summer festival Kamfest (in August) and Days of National Costumes (Dnevi narodnih noš) in September.


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