Ourika valley day tour from Marrakech

Sprache Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch
Kosten 45 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe größer als 10 Personen
Dauer 12 Stunden

The Ourika Valley is the closest day trip from Marrakech, but it’s not just its convenience that makes it special. Drive towards the Atlas Mountains, taking in the beautiful landscape of green meadows and authentic 16th and 17th-century Berber villages. If you take your tour on a Monday, you can even stop at a roadside souk.

Take the services of our guides and hike to the waterfalls. The village of Arhbalou is very attractive and has a multitude of small restaurants owned by Berber families situated along the water’s edge. A picnic lunch at Arhbalou Cascades or at the edge of the Ourika river is popular with locals and tourists alike. The Ourika valley is an escape from the bustling Marrakech, so take an advantage and book your day trip to Ourika valley with us.


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