Full Day trip to aswan from luxor(edfu , komombo ,philae & high dam) unforgettable day

Sprache Englisch, Deutsch
Kosten 150 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 12 Stunden

enjoy a visit to edfu temple (100km south of luxor) 2nd largest temple in Egypt after Karnak temple in Luxor. It is also known to be the place where the God Horus revenged his father's death (Osiris) by killing Set. continue to visit Kom Ombo temple (2 temples together). One side of the temple is dedicated to the crocodile God Sobek (God of fertility and creator of the world) while the other side of the temple is dedicated to the God Horus (Falcon headed Sky God). Each side of the temple has its own sanctuaries and chambers along with 2 different entrances to each temple. . Continue to visit aswan with its high dam, an engineering miracle built in 1960 protecting Egypt from annual floods from the Nile . . Because of the location of the Temple on an island, we have to take a boat to get to the site. Since early century, the site of Philae was flooded for six months each year. An incredible restoration program was undertaken in the 1960s, and the Temple was moved -


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