On the traces of White Gold- The big salt-tour

Sprache Englisch, Deutsch, Russisch
Kosten 290 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen
Dauer 4 Stunden

Learn more about salt on this individual VIP-tour! The Romans more than 2000 years ago called to salt the "White Gold" because of its importance for the preservation of food and meat!

We start the tour in Salzburg at your hotel by car or on a VW- van for up to 8 Pax.

We go to the Salzburg- Durnberg salt mines or to 500-years-old Berchtesgaden salt mines. Inside you´ll have a very interesting and funny guided tour on your own language of about one hour.

After that, we continue our tour through a breathtaking landscape with high mountains around like Watzmann 2700m and the Sleepy Witch, to the typical Bavarian city of Berchtesgaden. This individual VIP- tour lasts about 4 hours and more.

Each additional half hour costs 35 € - it´s the very best price, you can find!

PS: Aditional we can go to Bad Reichenhall. There you will see the salt museum in the former place of salt production and we´ll make a short tour to enjoy the beauty of this picturesque small city, and if you like, to make a short break in the famous Cafe Reber.


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