VIP-Tour Salzburg region/ South of Bavaria

Sprache Englisch, Deutsch, Russisch
Kosten 225 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 3 Stunden

For our very special VIP- guests I offer several individual tours. Me and my van will be "in your hands"!

What is the biggest problem for tourists? You have only limited time, but you want to see as much as you can.

As a local expert, I offer you tailor-made tours or full programmes for your travel. You will save a lot of time for you to see more!

So we´ll start the tour where and whenever you like - by a car or on VW-van up to 8 tourists at your hotel, at the airport, at the train station!

I´ll show you unique and breathtaking places and moments, you´ll never see on a standard-tour! The duration is 3 hours and more. If you like, on the way you can extend the tour.

The price will be 60 € per additional hour. For short or very short distances I can offer you a discount of 5 or 10€ p.h.

If you want to be in touch with me, please become a member of Mirabell-Tours-group

Thank you and see you on the tour! For a tour extension, the price is 35€ p.h.


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