Apollonia of Illyria & Divjake-Karavasta Lagoon/Park.

Sprache Albanian, Englisch, Griechisch
Kosten 260 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 8 Stunden

During this day trip we will visit the ruins of the ancient city of Apollonia which is located on the right bank of Vjosa river. An Illyrian settlement which later got more new inhabitants from Greek islands and the mainland. Apollonia flourished in the Roman period. It was home to a renowned school of philosophy, acquiring fame as a cultural center…. The city began to decline in the 3rd century AD when its harbor started silting up as a result of an earthquake. More to explore on the site…

Another interesting place that we will visit today is the National Park & Lagoon Divjake-Karavasta. The park spans in a huge territory and contains remarkable features such as wetlands, salt marshes, coastal meadows, floodplains, woodlands, reed beds, forests and estuaries. Because of the park's important and great availability of birds and plant species, it has been identified as an important Bird and Plant Area of international importance


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