Rafting in Osumi River Canyon & exploring Bogova Waterfall

Sprache Albanian, Englisch, Griechisch
Kosten 350 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen
Dauer 11 Stunden

During this day trip we will hike to Bogova waterfall. The water of this fall comes from the high mountain of Tomorr. During the spring and early summer, it has a lot of cold water and the base of it forms a big pool at the feet of the fall with turquoise water.

The River Osum flows through the canyon with the same name. The river Gorge about 26 km long, is one of the most spectacular natural attractions of Albania. During the spring, high water from melting snow makes it possible to explore the whole length of the gorge from the river. Spring is also the best time to view the many waterfalls in the gorges. The locals like to tell many nice legends about the canyons and the events happened there such as the Legend of the Bride…


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