Pergamon Tour

Sprache Englisch, Türkisch
Kosten 250 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen
Dauer 5 Stunden

Pergamum is one of the most impressive settlement of the ancient world with its mosts and the first healing centre of Anatolia. It was flourished and enriched throughout the Hellenistic era. Ruled by the Attalid dynasty. The most popular scientist's land. And now. . . Awaits for your visit!

Pergamon and Parchment words are very similar, aren't they? Galenos was born here, in Pergamon. What was his significance for pharmacy? What did he do in Pergamon throughout his life?

All these questions and more will be replied during the tour. . . Don't miss the opportunity and come to discover our history!

We start the tour by visiting Asclepium Healing Center (theatre, Crypto porticus, sacred fountain and pool, cure building. We spend some 1 hour looking around and photos).

- Then, we drive upon Acropolis and visit heroon, city walls, palaces of the king's, the Library (2nd biggest library in the ancient world), Trajan Temple, theatre, Zeus Altar (biggest of the ancient times) and Temple of Athena (Here is like Athens Acropolis). Steep up and down but very fascinating to take photos. About 1, 5 hours are spent here walking and exploring the structures and buildings.

The town is a very famous handicraft centre that presents you handwoven rugs, kilims and stonearts. Plus some local foods are subject to taste. Here is modern Bergama and ancient cultures' harmony.


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