Churches of Pune

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 7500 INR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 4 Stunden

Churches of Pune (only on Saturdays and Sundays 9. am to 12.noon

The British originally came to India to trade.

They had a big army set-up of manufacturing artillery ammunition

Pune was known to be the summer / monsoon capital

The British Governor had a 586 acre land for his Mansion

Today it is known by the name of Savitribai Pune University

The British felt it was necessary to have

Churches, for their military personnel.

There were missionaries and the Swiss Jesuits who came here

And established convent schools for the army personnel’s children

So also there were cemeteries on the outskirts

And the 1st and 2nd World war cemetery

which are still Visited by citizens of United Kingdom

The garrison churches came into existence

Important churches to visit

St. Mary’s (186 years)

St.Patricks cathedral 164 yrs)

Panch Haud Mission (132 yrs)

St. Xaviers Church (154 years)

St. Paul’s Church (150 years)

All Saints Church (145 years)

You will enjoy this tour which has the stone and wood architecture

And sometimes a local flavour added to it.

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