Above the roofs of Salzburg- walking tour

Sprache Englisch, Deutsch, Russisch
Kosten 130 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen
Dauer 2 Stunden

Welcome to the most interesting and unique individual VIP-walking tour in Salzburg!

I try to keep far from big crowds and mass tourism in town to show you places, other tourists never will see in Salzburg.

So we start this tour right from your hotel. If you come to us by train or car from other cities, we can start the tour at Mirabell- Palace! Or I can meet you at the train station. Depending on the place we start, we have several options to walk. On the tour, we´ll see all main sights of Salzburg, such as the Dom-cathedral, the residence, the church of the university, the Nonnberg Abbey, the theatres of the Salzburg Music Festival, Mirabell Palace, the fortress etc. Before walking up about 150 - 200 steps, we will walk through small streets and see hidden places of "real" Salzburg. From the top of the "Monks-mountain" or from "Capuchins-mountain," we will have breathtaking prospects of the city and the mountains around. The tour lasts 2 hours, for a longer tour please pay 25 € per 1/2 hour.


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