Sprache Englisch, Französisch
Kosten 750 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 9 Stunden

Jerusalem, a city steeped in history and culture, is a must-visit destination for anyone interested in exploring the roots of civilization. As your tour guide, my name is Shimi Oron, and I am here to help you navigate the complexities of this ancient city, and to provide you with a unique and unforgettable experience.

Jerusalem is a city that has been fought over for thousands of years, and as a result, it is one of the most diverse and complex cities in the world. With a history that stretches back to biblical times, this city has been shaped by many cultures and religions, including Jewish, Christian, and Muslim. As we explore the city together, I will guide you through the various neighborhoods, including the Jewish Quarter, the Muslim Quarter, and the Christian Quarter.

One of the highlights of any visit to Jerusalem is the Western Wall, the most sacred site in Judaism. As we approach this ancient wall, I will share with you the history and significance of this holy site. We will also visit the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, where Christians believe that Jesus was crucified and buried.

Jerusalem is also home to some of the best food in the world, and as we explore the city, I will take you to some of my favorite restaurants and street food vendors. Whether you want to try traditional falafel or shawarma, or sample some of the local wines, we will have plenty of opportunities to indulge in the culinary delights of Jerusalem.

As your tour guide, I am committed to providing you with an immersive and engaging experience that will leave you with a deep appreciation for this amazing city. I look forward to sharing the history, culture, and cuisine of Jerusalem with you, and to creating memories that will last a lifetime.


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