
Sprache Englisch
Kosten 150 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 9 Stunden

Mandalay is located in Mandalay Division. it is central of Myanmar. Actually Tourists attractions are Amarapura, Sagaing, Mingun, Innwa, Monywar and May Myo(Pyin oo lwin). Amarapura- south of Mandalay. to see Mahagandayon Monastery, U Bein Bridge and Silk , Cotton weaving. Mingun- take by boat about one hour up river and about 45 minutes return way. Sagaing - Swan Oo Ponnyashin Pagoda, Umin Thone Se Pagoda and Sidagu International Buddhist University. Innwa- Bagaya Monastery,Me nu Oat Kyaung and Watch tower. Monywar- about 3 hours by car to Monywar city. it is located in Sagaing Division. to see Phowin hill, Shwe Ba hill, ThanBoatde Pagoda, Boditahtaung Pagoda and the market. PyinOoLwin- Botanical garden, BE-Water fall, Dattawgyint Water fall, Chinese Temple and British Summer houses. So that the tourists can choose which city do you visit around Mandalay?

Only Mandalay city tour- Mahamuni Buddha image, The marble street, Gold leaf making place, wooden handicrafts, Marionette work shop, Embroidery work shop, Mandalay palace,Kuthodaw Pagoda, Shwenandaw Monastery,Sandamuni, Kyauk taw gyi Pagoda and Mandalay hill Sunset.


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