Curonian Spit -Neringa town

Sprache Englisch, litauisch, Russisch
Kosten 100 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe größer als 10 Personen

A trip to the remarkable Curonian Spit that runs along the southeastern coastline of the Baltic Sea is a highlight of any visit to Lithuania. The spit, between Lithuania and Russia's Kaliningrad province, extends south from the Lithuanian seaport of Klaipėda. It's a fragile, peaceful ecosystem of pine groves and sand dunes that offers something for everyone. The Curonian Spit for centuries has been an area of massive travelling dunes, the “Lithuanian Sahara”. Its few fishing villages used to be ephemeral: over 10 of them are known to have been consumed by the moving dunes.


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