The ancient & futuristic London

Sprache Englisch, Russisch
Kosten 300 GBP für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 3 Stunden

Have you ever thought about travelling back and forward in time? It’s possible on this tour!

Here you are going to see the oldest part of London along with the highest skyscrapers in the world! During the walk you will discover an eclectic mix of an ancient and futuristic London as well as walk through hidden pathways to the river Thames. You will explore the City from Roman times to the Future!


Discover the remaining part of the London Wall

See breathtaking skyscrapers that are constantly changing London’s skyline

See the marvellous Tower of London & St Paul’s Cathedral

Enjoy the view upon the glittering water of the River Thames of futuristic London from Tower Bridge

Hear what the evil year 1666 has brought to London

Start Tower Hill tube

End Monument Tube


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