Discover The Magic Of The Western Desert With A Local

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 145 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen
Dauer 2 Tage


You'll spend two days in the oases of the western desert, among dunes and different colors of the desert range between black and white desert ,crystal mountain limestone mountain.

Details&Tour; Highlights:-


In the first day your guide will pick up you in the early morning after your breakfast in the hotel in A/C coach for 4 hours till you arrive to THE BAHARIYYA OASIS,take your lunch in the local guide's house ,then you'll take 4*4 JEEP SAFARI through the desert passing by the BLACK DESERT then CRYSTAL MOUNTAIN, till you reach to THE WHITE DESERT in which you'll camp to spend your night as soon as you camp the cook will start to prepare the delicious Barbecue dinner for you,drink the tea of the desert, looking to the stars, relax, talking together,spend your night in a tent.


after sunshine you will take your breakfast, your coffee and tea then prepare yourself to leave the white desert in order to visit the very COLD and HOT SPRINGS , spend some time in the lovely desert, take your lunch in the locale guide's home then back to Cairo to your hotel.

What's Included:

- All transfers will be operated in a private Air Conditioned Van

-All Tours are operated in a private Air Conditioned van

-Guiding fee for an English speaking Egyptologist guide

-All entrance fees to all Sight seeing, as mentioned in our program

-English speaking tour manager finalizing passport control and escorting you from Airport to hotel and vice versa.


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