Evening Proboscis and Firefly Cruise

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 89 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 5 Stunden

4.00pm - Pick up from the hotel. We drive to a local village for 30 minutes. Upon arrival, a coffee break and a briefing by the village host.

After briefing, we proceed to the jetty to take a wooden boat and begin the river excursion along a small river.

The forest surrounding is mostly mangrove forest. Wild Proboscis monkey gather along the river edge in the late afternoon to feed on the mangrove leaves.

After we spotted the proboscis monkey, we will return to the house for dinner.

At around 7pm, we go for another cruise to watch the fireflies that live in the mangrove forests.

Drive back to the hotel.

End of tour.

The tour inclusive:

1. Transport

2. Guide

3. Afternoon cruise

4. Dinner

5. Firefly cruise


1. Tippings


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