Sprache Englisch
Kosten 1500 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen


The Maratua islands must be everyone’s dream of the perfect tropical paradise: warm, isolated islands with soft white sand beaches fringed with waving palm trees, pristine seas that change color from green to deep blue, and an amazing underwater life of giant turtles, dolphins, manta rays

Maratua Island in the Derawan Archipelago off the north coast of East Kalimantan, is a large tropical island partially encircling a massive lagoon on one end and fringed with sheer rocky walls and coral reefs along the other end.This giant upside down U-shaped island covers about 384 square kilometers of sandy white beaches and mangrove forests and 3,735 square kilometers of territorial waters which contain the third highest level of marine biodiversity in the world after Raja Ampat and the Solomon Islands.

This paradise island is situated within the fabled Coral Triangle, with all the richness and beauty within itsexotic underwater landscapesthat one would expect from such a location. Over 20 dive spots across the island allow visitors the opportunity to immerse themselves amidst the bountiful treasures which lay tucked neatly beneath the sapphire waters.Maratua’s garden under the sea proudly exhibits an abundance of colorful coral reefs populated with a variety of species of fish, green turtles, manta rays and other marine life.

4.Days Maratua Tours

3.Nights in PARADISO


Includid :

Tours to Sangalaki -Kakaban derawan and Big Shark .

Boat to and from The island.

Breakfast ,Lunch and Dinner.

Snorckling equipment

Hot Drinks and Aqua

1500.USD for two Person


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