Marrakech Day Trip to Essaouira

Sprache Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch
Kosten 90 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen
Dauer 8 Stunden

Marrakech Day trip to Essaouira

Pick you up from your accommodation in Marrakech, heading to One of the most lovely cities in Morocco, a beachside small welcoming place, with spectacular weather of this city. Before reaching Essaouira, you will have some exceptional moments on the road like seeing the goats who know how to climb up and down on the Argan tree and optional visit for Berber Women Argan Oil Cooperative.

Arriving in Essaouira, we’ll have a walking tour to discover the History of Essaouira old port: a hotchpotch of Portuguese, African and Arabian influences. Stroll along the harborside and view the Skala fortress with its wave-lashed ramparts and cannons. Visit the medina and municipal market, and explore the jeweler’s quarter and a handicrafts complex of Essaouira’s artistic heritage.

You will have free time to get your lunch and to stroll in Essaouira. Feel free to explore this city and to buy a few souvenirs such as the wooden pieces made only in Essaouira.

End of the day drive back to Marrakech and drop you off at your accommodations.


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