Ferrara: between Middle Ages and Renaissance!

Sprache Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch
Kosten 140 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen
Dauer 3 Stunden

We can walk around (or perhaps cycle) and discover the most hidden and unknown corners of the city, chat with its people; the last artisans in old shops in the area of the Jewish Ghetto: the barber, the tailor and the eccentric artist friend, ceramics workshop and bars hidden between the medieval lanes!

We can experience the bakery where bread is still made in the “Ferrarese way”, climb up one of the towers of the Este Castle or enter a monastery choir to discover frescoes of the Giotto school and experience a totally unexpected atmosphere.

We can walk along the city walls to the Jewish cemetery recalling Giorgio Bassani!

Cross the northern quarters, the large Herculean Addition: the “streets of silence” that Filippo de Pisis describes.

We can visit the Pinacoteca (National Gallery) or Schifanoia Palace and admire the extraordinary painters of her past or plunge into a more recent Ferrara: the one of the Fascist period, with Art Nouveau and Rationalist samples of architecture.

Ferrara today, with its 100,000 bicycles, its university, over 600 years old, the shops, the people… is a medium town in northern Italy with a lot of charm!


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