Venice, away from the maddening crowd!

Sprache Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch
Kosten 250 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen
Dauer 3 Stunden

Private walking tours with Art-guide Studio

Tours in Venice (half day 3h or full day 6h) especially tailored with a selection of unusual itineraries…

Let’s go far from the madding crowd and immerse ourselves in the virtually untouched atmosphere of the “sconte””, the hidden paths or back streets which preserve all the charm of this special city!

Grand and regal or sometimes full of decaying charm, the “campi” and “campielli” (squares) are all so very different: each one has its history and secrets and offers the chance to stop and admire numberless details, architectural decorations and to recount episodes and peculiar facts of the history of this city that is so old and so special.

Together we can explore churches that are not easy to find, but that are rich in priceless treasures; we can scour the northern quarters (on foot or by speedboat) to reech the other side of the lagoon and its islets, or talk about the origin of the first Jewish Ghetto. We can also look for a more modern and avant-garde Venice, the one of the Biennale and its provocations…and eventually stop for a “cicchetto” (a glass of wine) in one of the last remaining “baccari” (the old bars…)


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