Prambanan + Ramayana Ballet 2024

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 75 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 8 Stunden

Private sightseeing tour Introduction:

Prambanan Temple is the most Beautiful Hindus temple in the world,called Trimurti temple cause there are 3 main temple they are Brahma - Shiva - Vishnu and there are 224 perwara temple surrounding the main temple and Ramayana Ballet Performance in open air theater from May to October, you will see 250 dancers will perform at the stage. come and visit prambanan temple and also the performance the Ballet.

Tour Duration: 8 Hours

Maximum Number of People: 5

Tour Type: Transport Based

Tour Price: Price Per person USD $75

What's Included?

- The price included Private car

- Entrance Fee

- Mineral water

- Driver

- Gasoline

- Parking car


8 hours

Destination Covered

Yogyakarta and Prambanan Temple Complex

Best Suited

All, Budget, Families, Groups, Honeymoon, Kids, Luxury, Solo travellers


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