Borobudur Sunrise Tours

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 55 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 6 Stunden

The unique Experience the silent and lonely dawn at Borobudur Sunrise. The tour is really amazing because you can take a look so many houses of light from the top of Borobudur around the Menoreh hill in the night and also sound of Crickets and in the top of Borobudur you can also see Mount Merapi & Mount Merbabu,and don’t miss it to see Forest surrounding the Borobudur like as Painting picture but this real because the foggy in the morning coming down from the horizon to cover the forest itself. Sun rising start around 04.40 am at Borobudur to see sun rising up from the horizon you will trekking for 5 minutes from the main gate of manohara Hotel to the Temple,after finishing the sunrise you can explore for the corridor of relief Borobudur surrounding the temple after that you can enjoy your coffee morning or tea morning while you are watching the beautiful scenery from manohara coffee shop by the Entrance Fee USD$34 for the Sunrise and also included Souvenir + breakfast

What's Included?


Entrance Fee


5 hours

Destination Covered


Best Suited

All, Budget, Families, Groups, Honeymoon, Kids, Luxury, Solo travellers


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