Rio de Janeiro: Museum of Tomorrow, CCBB and Art Museum

Sprache Englisch, Französisch, Portugiesisch, Spanisch
Kosten 107 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 4 Stunden

Description Summary

Discover the architectural masterpieces and cultural institutions of Praça Mauá (Mauá Square) on a guided tour of the Museum of Tomorrow and Rio Art Museum. Journey into the future and see how the buildings artfully integrate with the landscape.

Detailed Product Description

Start your tour of Rio de Janeiro with a quick look at the Cultural Center of the Bank of Brazil (CCBB), and admire the neoclassical lines of one of the most popular cultural institutions in the country.

Then, continue towards Praça Mauá (Mauá Square), where the 2 museums of the Rio Art Museum (MAR) and Museum of Tomorrow have firmly put the waterfront area on the cultural map. The MAR opened in 2013 as part of the city's plan to revitalize its cultural sector leading up to the 2014 World Cup. It is comprised of existing buildings now conjoined by a billowing roof that covers a former palace and modernist building that houses the School of the Vision.

Opposite lies the Museum of Tomorrow that invites visitors to think and project the future with content focused on the sustainability of the planet. Just as the sunflower follows the movement of the sun to extract maximum energy, so the approximately 5,000 solar panels of the museum will follow the flow of the sun to generate energy that feeds the museum.

Designed by Santiago Calatrava, the Museum of Tomorrow lives up to its name, and is now one of the most coveted spots in the city for “selfie” lovers thanks to the 20-pointed star ("Puffed Star") by the American sculptor, Frank Stella. Pay a visit to the extraordinary structure and investigate the sustainability of the planet through unique displays, ranging from the origins of the planet to possible future scenarios.

What's included:

• Multilingual guide

• Entrance tickets

• Transportation

Meeting Point:

Hotel Copacabana Palace, Av. Atlântica, 1702, CEP 22021 001, Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro. The tour commences at 13:00.

Hotel pick-up Description:

Pick-up possible on request if within a 15-kilometer radius of the meeting point (including the cruise port) at a time that allows arrival at the meeting point by 12:50.

Drop-off/End Point:

Drop off possible on request if within a 15-kilometer radius of the meeting point (including the cruise port). Please note that the tour ends at 18:00.


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