5-Hour Toronto Private City Tour - Canada's Multicultural and Financial Hub

Sprache Englisch, Portugiesisch, Spanisch
Kosten 560 CAD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 5 Stunden

This is an extended Private tour of Toronto including an hour and a half visit to Casa Loma, Canada's Castle.

Discover the magic of Toronto — the most culturally diverse and largest city in Canada.

As the largest, multicultural city in Canada, Toronto's unique architecture, premier landmarks, diverse villages, ethnic neighbourhoods, hot spots—including the iconic CN Tower, the city's distinctive City Hall, Harbourfront, Chinatown, the Financial and Entertainment Districts, and the Old City swirl together to make Toronto a unique destination to experience what the most cosmopolitan city in the world has to offer.

In this five-hour tour, you'll get to experience the magic that makes Toronto a world-class destination not to be missed.

Note: Admission to Casa Loma and to the CN Tower is not included in the price of the tour, but tickets can be purchesed on site.

Tickets for the CN Tower must be purchased in advance. Please advise the number of tickets required


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