Cook and eat. Samarkand osh palov.

Sprache Englisch, Russisch
Kosten 80 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 4 Stunden

We invite you to meet the main hero of Uzbek national cuisine - Samarkand pilaf! Master class on its preparation will be held in the traditional guest house. You will see the local way of life, penetrate the flavor of the country and reveal its gastronomic secrets. The hostess of the house will tell you how to choose the right rice and meat for pilaf, how to cut products and how to give the dish flavor.

The master class will be held in the local house. The hospitable hostess will prepare in advance all the ingredients: fresh meat, rice, vegetables and aromatic spices. Then you will start the joint cooking of the plov: cutting, roasting, cooking and burning. When the dish is ready, we will distribute Uzbek mattresses «kurpachi» and arrange a meal on them in the best traditions of the East. In addition to pilaf, we will treat you with traditional cakes, green tea and sweets.

Organizational details

Products for pilaf are included in the price.


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