From Tashkent to the Solar Institute!

Sprache Englisch, Russisch
Kosten 150 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 6 Stunden

Visit the Solar Science Institute at an altitude of 1100 meters! The location was chosen not by chance: there is clean mountain air, a rarefied atmosphere and three hundred sunny days, allowing you to work all year round. The local guide will introduce you to the scientific developments of the Institute, show the innovative range and reveal the secrets of the solar furnace.

Solar Laboratory in the Mountains

You will go to the Solar Institute, built in the mountains of Uzbekistan in 1987. The first step is to evaluate a giant solar cooker heated by the sun to a temperature of 3,000 degrees. There are only two such stoves in the world - where another is built, you will recognize on a tour! You will also see a concentrator, an innovative polygon and a heliostat field where the first stone of the institute was laid. Climb to the observation deck and admire the magnificent view of the Chatkala Ridge.

Organizational details

The Solar Institute is located 55 km from Tashkent. Transfer with an experienced driver from your hotel and back is included in the price.

Tour for you will be guided by the Institute

Entrance fees are paid additionally - $5 per person


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