visit the cerro lambare - mountain near asuncion

Sprache Englisch, Spanisch
Kosten 100 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 4 Stunden

Enjoy a trip to the mountain located just outside asuncion. you will be picked up in the morning and then driven to the base of the mountain where we will walk to the top of the mountain. Enjoy the beautiful views of the river and the city of asuncion as well as the countryside. From time to time Paraguay experiences internet disconnections so sending us a message early is best. Hopefully you are ready for a little bit of exercise because it is a long way up. of course we will stop on the way up to relax and talk, make sure to bring a beverage because you will need it. The walk is envigorating because of being so close to nature. At the base of the mountain you will see quite a number of dwellings of paraguayans. The dwellings are simple shelters of the poorer residents of paraguay.

Begin your day with a pick up at the hotel at your preferred time (if our schedule permits) then if the client prefers we can stop by a store to pick up beverages or snacks. Since it will be a long walk up the mountain we advise that the guests have something to drink. After pickup of beverages we drive to the mountain. The guide will give information to the clients about paraguay, it's history and customes and what they can expect to see during their time in the country. Parking maybe at a distance from the mountain and we may need to walk through the area populated by the dwellings of the locals which the visitors may find interesting due to crossing paths with the pigs and chickens that belong to the inhabitants. Upon arriving at the top of the mountain we will spend time their to take pictures of the monuments and the beautiful aerial views of the city and river. After resting at the top of the mountain we will start our slow decent down the mountain and head to our vehicle and the group will be driven home.


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