Let's Explore Stone Age & Mud volcanoes - Gobustan Rock Art Cultural-Historical site tour

Sprache Englisch, Russisch
Kosten 180 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 5 Stunden

Do you remember how in history class we have been taught about Stone Age?

If that time you have been interested to see how Stone Age looked like, and how human lived in prehistoric days, then book this tour, it is definitely for You !

The tour is designed for the travelers who wish to spend half-day outside the cosmopolitan Baku in the nature, far from cars, stresses, and modernity just in 50 km distance (45 minutes drive)

A little bit about the place:

Gobustan historic cultural reserve situates in 50km to the south from Baku, capital of Azerbaijan. It has been discovered in 1939, and became UNESCO heritage since 2007. It is a favorite place of those who love to see ancient settlement and art-carvings on historical caves. The area has interesting scenery, very different from the capital, that is full of modern architecture and latest technology.


1. Meeting at the hotel (or any place decided with the guest)

2. About 45 min non-stop drive to the south of the country through semi-desert hills in the right-view, and the Caspian Sea in the left-view.

3. Arrival to the Gobustan Rock Art Cultural Landscape museum.

(minimum 30 spend in the museum and Stone Age open-air site)

4. About 20 minutes drive through the 'wild' nature to the mud volcanoes - the unique natural 'exhibition' of mud volcanoes (they are cold and calm :) don't worry, Your Super Guide will be with you)

5. Picnic in the nature (please, contact me for your preferences)

Note: We spend about 1 hour in the site (mud volcanoes)

6. Drive back (about 1 hour non-stop)

Please contact me if you have any questions. This tour is fully customizable towards your needs

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