Sprache Englisch, Spanisch
Kosten 79 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 7 Stunden

Set on the slopes of Cordillera del Bálsamo La Libertad beaches is a series of dark volcanic sand coastline with great views, surfing, gastronomy and laid back atmosphere where life a beach!

Watch the traditional fishermen as they arrive with the catch of the day at the peer and visit their colorful fish market at El Muelle de La Libertad. Take a walk at El Malecón del Puerto. Taste the seafood specialties with a cold coconut as you hear the waves crashing or ride them at El Tunco beach. Or just take a sunbath and swim the warm Pacific Ocean waters watching the pelicans flying nearby at El Sunzal.

Another sensational beach destination is La Costa del Sol. Here you can enjoy your time in one of the most pristine beaches of El Salvador with clear fine sands, gentle surf, plenty of sun (most of the time) and a great selection of meals and drinks. A cold coconut in its shell is a must.

Enjoy the local cuisine and the freshest seafood with ocean view in the selected beach resort. You can take a surfing practice or lessons in El Sunzal or El Tunco (surfboard/instructor not included).  or just spend the day on the beach.

Located in a narrow strip of land with a lush mangrove estuary on the North and the Pacific Ocean on the South Costa del Sol is a favorite beach destination among locals and foreigners. Here’s easy to take a boat ride to reach the mangrove swamp or any deserted beach at Tasajera Island (boat ride not included).

Tour includes use of facilities in selected Beach Resort.


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