Sprache Englisch, Spanisch
Kosten 83 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 8 Stunden

Ruta de las Flores is 36 Km road that winds through the mountains between Sonsonate and Ahuachapán provinces and is the heart of El Salvador coffee country. Set in the highlands of the Apaneca mountain range the area is a favorite among foreign and local tourists alike.

Juayúa is famous for its Food Fest, a popular weekend and holidays fair to check out and taste local dishes along with arts and crafts market and street performers.

Watch ever green coffee fields set on the slopes of the many volcanoes lined up one next the other while we reach Apaneca the town at the highest elevation of El Salvador.

With it’s cobblestone streets Concepción de Ataco is a charming mountain village with its brightly colored facades, red roof tiles, cobblestone streets, porches and is one of the Top Tourist Destinations in El Salvador.

In Juayúa we’ll take a visit to Lechuza Café producers of one of the finest Specialty Coffees in El Salvador. Here you’ll taste a heavenly cup of locally grown, fresh ground coffee and visit the finca (farm) to know more about the process to turn a fruit into part of your morning ritual.

Ruta de las Flores (Flowers Route) is group of villages surrounded by natural wonders such as cloud forests, lagoons, hot springs, waterfalls and coffee fields.

Note that coffee harvest season runs November to February.

Optional activities: zip lining, birdwatching, buggy rides, hot springs, hikes, camping, mountain biking and waterfalls available upon request.

Highlight: walk to Chorros de la Calera waterfalls, in Juyúa.


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