Sprache Englisch, Spanisch
Kosten 79 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 7 Stunden

For decades La Libertad beaches were a well kept secret among surfers around the world. Nowadays this series of small black-sanded volcanic beaches are popular but great spots for surfers and beach lovers alike.

Some of the most popular surfing destinations here are on a short distance one another.

Spots such as El Sunzal and El Tunco are excellent for any level of experience. Here you can get a surfboard or lessons from a local expert.

There are many restaurants in the area if you’d like to enjoy some snack, a meal or drinks (not included).

Visit to other surfing spots such as Punta Roca, El Zonte or Mizata available upon request.

El Tunco has become the Top Beach Destination in El Salvador.

On a short distance from San Salvador this is also a great night life spot with a nice selection of bars -some featuring live music on weekends-, shops, hotels and restaurants for any budget and the freshest seafood.

Try any of the local delicacies such as Crema Mariscada, a thick creamy seafood soup with lobster, shrimp, fish, clams and squid with your favorite cold drink.

Don’t miss sunset by El Tunco stone: a massive rock on the shore with some locals say looks like a pig (Tunco = Salvadoran for pig).

Tour includes unlimited use of surfboard or one hour of instructor.


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