Mulde Peak Trekking

Sprache Englisch, hindi, Nepali
Kosten 925 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 1 Woche

Mulde Peak Trekking, located in the west-southern foothills of the Annapurna Mountain range, offers a wonderful experience for adventure enthusiasts. This trek provides breathtaking views of the majestic Himalayas, along with the chance to witness spectacular sunrises and sunsets. Throughout the journey, you'll pass through enchanting Rhododendron forests, creating a pleasant and serene atmosphere.

One of the highlights of the Mulde Peak Trek is the opportunity to immerse yourself in the traditional culture and customs of the local Gurung and Magar people. The villages along the trek route provide a glimpse into the unique lifestyle and heritage of these communities.

Nature lovers will be fascinated by the diverse flora and fauna found in the region, especially the vibrant Rhododendron forests that add a splash of color to the landscape. The combination of stunning mountain views, rich cultural experiences, and serene natural surroundings make Mulde Peak Trekking an unforgettable adventure for trekkers seeking a unique and immersive Himalayan experience.


Day-1 Fly to Pokhara in the morning and drive to Tirkhedhunga (1540m).

Day-2 Trek to Ghorepani (2750m). Duration: 5-6 hours.

Day-3 Early morning climb to Poon Hill (3193m) and trek to Dobato (3465m) via Mulde Peak (3637m). Duration: 7-8 hours.

Day-4 Trek to Tadapani (2590m). Duration: 3-4 hours.

Day-5 Trek to Ghandruk and drive to Pokhara (820m). Duration: 5-6 hours.

Day-6 Sightseeing around Pokhara: Mountain Museum, Gupteswar Mahadev cave, Davis' Fall, and Peace Pagoda Temple.

Day-7 Fly back to Kathmandu.

Trek Cost

Per Person (2-4pax) USD1000

Per Person (above 4pax) USD925

Cost includes:

1. Two-night accommodations in Pokhara at a three-star standard hotel, including breakfast.

2. Three meals a day (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) with tea or coffee during the trekking.

3. Accommodation on a twin-sharing basis.

4. Guide and porter's wages, food, accommodation, and insurance during the trekking.

5. Round-trip airfare from Kathmandu to Pokhara, including a guide.

6. Transfers from Pokhara to Tirkhedhunga and Ghandruk to Pokhara by taxi/jeep.

7. Conservation and TIMS card fees.

8. Domestic airport tax.

9. Airport transfers.

10 Guide and transportation for city sightseeing in Pokhara.


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