Balthali Village Day Tour

Sprache Englisch, hindi, Nepali
Kosten 65 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 1 Tag

Balthali Village, located just 37 kilometers south of Kathmandu, is a charming destination perfect for short walks and tours. This picturesque area, known for its beautiful terraced paddy fields and traditional old houses, offers a glimpse into rural Nepali life. The panoramic view of the majestic Himalayas adds to the allure of this natural haven. Balthali is an ideal choice for a getaway from the bustling city of Kathmandu.

For a more enriching experience, I have included a visit to the old Newari city of Panauti and Khopasi. Panauti, situated at the confluence of the Roshi and Punyamati rivers, is a place of religious significance and boasts a rich historical heritage. The impressive Indreswar Mahadev Temple, along with other ancient temples and archaeological sites, awaits exploration in Panauti.


The Balthali Village Tour commences from Kathmandu with about an hour's drive to Panauti. After visiting the Panauti Heritage site and exploring the old Newari town, including the royal palace area, we drive to Balthali. Upon reaching Balthali, enjoy a delightful lunch and the surrounding views, and unwind in the serene atmosphere. A pleasant hike through picturesque villages, lush green forests, and beautiful paddy fields leads to Khopasi, and then we return to Kathmandu.

The Cost Includes

Transfer both ways



Entrance Fee


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