Vip Buenos Aires Tour by Car/Van 5 hours

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 620 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 5 Stunden

I will customized your day to optimize your time and enjoy the must to see but flexible to the local events and interests.

For walking tour : meeting point centre street.

For tour with transportation:

Pick up and Dropp off from Hotel. Port or Apts.

Prices depend on :

a) 4 hours walking tour- Example: 4 people 75 per person.

b) 4 hours by car or van or minibus (depend how many people) .Example: 6 people is 90 dollars per person.

c)THE MOST POPULAR 6 hours by car or van or minibus : Private or Small Group. Example base on 10 people is 120 dollars per person. Done by me directly!


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