Materuni Waterfall & Coffee Tour

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 80 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 1 Tag

Waterfall and short hiking

Around 40-50 minutes outside of Moshi are Materuni waterfalls. As this trip is so close by it is ideal for those people with limited time but who would still like to see some of the nature and beauty that this region of Tanzania has to offer. These falls are pretty impressive at 90 meters high and definitely a sight worth seeing.

From Materuni Village we will walk some 30 to 40 minutes to the waterfall. The walk itself is extremely interesting, as you will see some smaller waterfalls and lots of waterways which are part of the irrigation system of the local farmers who grow coffee, bananas and many other fruits and vegetables.

Coffee Tour

Materuni village produces many perishable goods including yam, sugar, maize and beans. However, the main crop that is grown is coffee. In the village you will be able to learn about the process from which coffee is grown, to when it is finally poured, steaming hot into the cup.

You will pick you own coffee, remove the cover and then with coffee that has been previously dried out, crush it into coffee granules. After experiencing the complete coffee production process you will be able to enjoy your very own, satisfying and rewarding cup of fresh coffee. You will also learn how the Chagga tribe lives, such as their home set-up, the types of food they cook and eat and how they rear their animals.


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