Full Day Cappadocia Yellow Tour

Sprache Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch
Kosten 30 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 8 Stunden

Tour start in the morning from the Hotel. Firstly, you will hiking in naturel Kızılçukur valley to see amazing wiev. During the hiking you will amaze the natüre and its not to hard hike, totally it will take arround 1.5 hour. Then you will visit to ÇAVUŞIN Village where is one of old Greek village in Cappadocia.

This village is famous for the houses and churches of the christian clegymen. Then, we will have lunch in a local restaurant. After having lunch, you will visit ORTAHISAR Castle which resembles Uchisar Castle in style. In this small village, you will also chance to see storage places. The inhabitants of Ortahisar earn their living by storing fruits yearlong in the caves cut from the volcanic rock. In the afternoon visit KAYMAKLI Underground City where early christians lived in fear and faith. On the way back visit PIGEON Valley where you will see where the Pigeons and hear of how they were used to help the people. Some examples where to send messages and to fertizilize the grapes. Also you will see a wonderful panoromic view. After the tour, you will be transferred to your hotel.

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