Nile cruise trip from ASWAN to Luxor

Sprache Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Italienisch, Spanisch
Kosten 285 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 4 Tage

Explore the awesome treasure of Egypt aboard 5 stars luxury Nile Cruise for 4 days. Start your Easter tour from Aswan to Luxor enjoying tours to Luxor Temple, Karnak Temple, Edfu, kom ombo, Philae Temple and more.


Meet and greet service by our representatives

All transfers by a private air-conditioned vehicle

Assistance of our personal during your stay and excursions.

Accommodation for 3 nights on board 5 star deluxe cruise on full board basis

All Nile Cruise excursions as mentioned in the itinerary

Entrance fees to all sights

English or French ,GERMAN,Italy, Spanish speaking guide during your excursions

Bottled Water during your tours

All service charges and taxes


Any extras and personal expenses


All Day 1: Aswan Nile Crusie Tours

- Meet & assist at Aswan Airport or railway station

- Embarkation

- Lunch on board

- Visit the High Dam, the Granite Quarries unfinished obelisk “and the Temple of Philae.

- Afternoon Tea and sunset flucca on the Nile river.

- Dinner on board

- Nubian Folkloric Show

- Overnight in Aswan

Meals: Lunch, Dinner

Day 2: Kom Ombo and Edfu Temples

- Sail to Kom Ombo

- Breakfast on Board

- Visit the Temple shared by two gods Sobek and Haeroris in Kom Ombo

- Sail to Edfu

- Lunch on Board

- Visit Horus temple in Edfu

- Sail to Esna

- Afternoon Tea

- Dinner on board

- Egyptian Galabeya Party

- Overnight in Esna

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner.

Day 3: Luxor Nile Cruise Excursions

- Breakfast on board.

- Visit to the West bank enjoying Valley of the Kings, the Temple of Queen Hatshepsut and the Colossi of Memnon facing the Nile.

- Lunch on board.

- Afternoon visit Karnak Temple and Luxor Temple.

- Dinner on board.

-horse carriage to see all over LuXoR for 1 hour.

- Overnight in Luxor.

Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner.

Day 4: Disembarkation in Luxor

- Breakfast on board.

- Disembarkation after breakfast. Then transfer to Luxor airport or rail way station.

Meals: Breakfast.


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