Keukenhof - Customized Private Tour by Car

Sprache Niederländisch, Englisch
Kosten 700 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 8 Stunden

When I pick you up from your hotel I'll explain all about the history of tulip growing in The Netherlands.

Driving through the Dutch landscape we stop at the amazing tulip fields in bloom to take pictures.

You have 3-hours leisure time to fully enjoy KEUKENHOF tulip garden at your own pace.

There is time for 1 extra stops, before your visit Keukenhof. Let me know what you like to see!

Customize your private Keukenhof tour!

- Dairy farm, Gouda cheese & Clogs

- Windmills in Dutch country side

- Ride bicycle through the tulip fields

- Flight over the tulip fields

- Delft pottery factory

- flower parade, or build of floats (18-21 April, 2018 only)

- Cruquius steam pumping station (how Dutch live below sea level)

- or a personal request.

TIP: With a (late) start between 10-11am we avoid the crowds at Keukenhof. This way the flowers are even more enjoyable!


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