Arts & Crafts Tour

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 75 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 4 Stunden

Expand your knowledge and learn about locally made products here in Rarotonga. It's fun and informative. Go to hidden places other visitors can't find. Visit local factories where you can see how we make our products. Information you get on this tour, will save you money (some discounts apply) and help your understand our art and crafts culture. As your friendly knowledgeable tour guide, I will introduce you to meet up-to 10 local artisans with an up-close look at their techniques & learning the art of their craftwork. See them in action! Meet an extraordinary traditional woodcarver who shares his passion. Explore Rarotonga's oldest art & crafts factory since the 1940's and learn here about Rarotonga's past history plus many more. Minimum 2 people and up-to 4 hours duration.


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