Wine Tour in Kakheti

Sprache Englisch, georgisch, Russisch
Kosten 170 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 9 Stunden

Kakheti is the land where wine is born. The first stop in Tsinandali is the estate of the princes Chavchavadze and the first Georgian cellar, where European wine was poured.

- The next city is the Gremi Fortress, founded in the 15th century and destroyed by the Persians in the 18th century.

- Graneli winery and the Hareba wine tunnel in the town of Kvareli are a tour of the winery and cellar where you can taste real Georgian wine and learn how our wine business differs from the traditional European wine. At the plant you can buy the highest quality wine of different varieties at the lowest price in Georgia.

- The town of Signaghi and the monastery of Bodbe, where the relics of St. Nino and the city founded inside the protective wall in the 17th century. A view of the unforgettable Alazani valley and a museum with the Pirosmani exhibition.


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