Alicante walking tour

Sprache Englisch, Russisch, Spanisch
Kosten 30 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 3 Stunden


MEETENG POINT - Alicante, Plaza Puerto del Mar, near the carousel

TOUR PRICE: 30 €. Minimun 2 people.


During walk we will see all main sights of Alicante and know history and legends of the city:

Santa Barbara castle which stands over a bay at the height of 166 meters. From here open to shaking view of the city, port and surrounding mountains.

Barrio Santa Cruz - the oldest and picturesque quarter of the city.

Saint Mary church, Saint Nikolay's cathedral and the City Hall. If the excursion takes place in the morning, we will visit City Hall

Well-known boulevard of the city Esplanade, the favorite place of walks both locals, and tourists.

The Central market of Alicante - best place to buy tipical medditeranian products

Some romantic squares where we can rest under the shadow of centuries-old ficuses.

“Fogueres Festival Museum” where we will know the history of famous festival “The Bonfires of Saint John” which takes place during the period of a summer solstice”.


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