Algerian desert (Djanet)

Sprache Arabisch
Kosten 1500 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 1 Woche

A trip to discover all the richness and variety of the desert.

This circuit in 4 × 4 to allow to discover the Tassili of Hoggar and Assekrem in 8 days.

The Tassili of Hoggar, nestled in the heart of the Sahara, is a mountain massif wrapped in

sand. Magical and captivating, the Tassili of Hoggar stretches over nearly 50,000 square kilometers

and crossing his desert is an incomparable experience.

The trip starts in Tamanrasset. Located south of the massif, the one called the Pearl

The Sahara is a must for anyone wishing to go on the road to Hoggar. The travellers

can soak up an atmosphere specific to the capital of the Tuaregs of Algeria and

stock up on the market before starting an unforgettable trek in the heart of one

the most beautiful deserts in the world.

The Hoggar, arid pearl of Algeria

" I always loved the desert. It sits on a sand dune. We see nothing. We do not hear

nothing. And yet something radiates in silence ... "said Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.

From rugged landscapes to volcanic rocks, the endless dunes of Hoggars on tune

invitation to contemplation. Here, the runoff of the wadis has carved out in sizes in

the sandstone ensemble in which the fine sand rushes, composing an ocher mosaic,

red, black and blond. A magical vision that we admire all the better once perched on

the Atakor plateau, consisting of lava flows from neighboring volcanoes, some of which

culminate at nearly 3,000 meters high. The highest of them? The Tahat who, with his

2 918 meters above sea level, dominates the massif and the country.


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