Chobe Full Day Trip

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 160 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 9 Stunden

A Chobe Day Trip is the ideal opportunity to experience the amazing fauna and flora that Africa has to offer. With the world-renowned Chobe National Park only a mere 80km away, guests will get a chance to experience the Chobe National Park on a game drive or a boat cruise. Chobe National Park is well-known for its large herds of elephant that frequent the Chobe River on a daily basis. In the dry season an estimate of up to 85,000 elephants can be dispersed within the Chobe National Park, where the majority of them can be found along the river. Apart from the herds of elephants, Chobe also has lots more to offer. The Park has lions, leopards, buffalos and a host of antelope such as sable, puku, kudu, eland, roan and many others. The river is filled with big pods of hippos and some of the largest crocodiles in Africa. This tour departs daily to the Chobe National Park in Botswana. Clients will be transferred to the Kazungula border where their Botswana Guide will meet them. The full day consists of a game drive or a boat cruise (including lunch) in the Chobe National Park and return transfers to Victoria Falls.


$20 Chobe National Park Fees


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