Lisbon Highlights - including Belem and Cascais

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 300 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 8 Stunden

This is a great highlights tour of Lisbon. Baixa is a magnificent mix of grand public squares, shops, cafes, restaurants and bars, all designed in the beautiful, 18th Century, Pombaline style of architecture. Far from the centre, the Belem district is located at the mouth of the River Tagus. It houses some of the most famous landmarks in Lisbon such as the Jerónimos Monastery the Belém Tower, the Monument to the Discoveries, the National Coach Museum, and others. It is also the location of the famous patisserie Pastéis de Belém where the typical and delicious Portuguese egg tart pastries or custard tarts were invented in 1837. Estoril and Cascais are stylish and fashionable Portuguese residential areas/beach resorts that are situated on the beautiful coastline that extends to the west of Lisbon! Both towns boast fine restaurants, world-class hotels and Estoril is home to the the largest casino of the Iberian Peninsula. This is an area with a prosperous atmosphere and a reputation for exclusivity.


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