Оne day tour "Surroundings of Kyiv" (duration 6 hours, 120 USD)

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 120 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 6 Stunden

Go around the whole city without a car in a day is very difficult. I offer you a combined tour. Use my car and walk. I propose a price of $20 an hour. Using a car more safe and comfortable. Also you can leave buying gifts in the car, no need to carry them with you. Besides I can show you the whole city in less time.

I offer you the following tours:

I will show you:

1) Pirogovo Village ( ancient village, open-air museum). (duration 3.0 hours)

2) Yanukovych residence (of the former president). (duration 3.0 hours)

Note: Tour time includes travel time by car.

Price includes:

Transportation in Nissan X-Trail and parking fee

Professional guiding service

Free Wi-Fi in the car

Price excludes:



Attraction tickets.


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