Golf and Wine in Franschhoek

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 9000 ZAR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen
Dauer 2 Tage

Enjoy this 2 day, 1 night golf and wine tour to Franschhoek hosted by a professional golfer and wine sommelier.

Itinerary (approx time)

Day 1

07:30 depart Cape Town

09:00 tee off at Pearl Valley

14:00 lunch on wine farm

16:00 checkin to hotel

19:00 dinner at leisure

Day 2

07:00- 09:30 breakfast

09:45 checkout and depart hotel

10:00 champagne and nougat pairing

11:00 wine tasting pairing

12:00 wine tasting and lunch

15:00 game drive and pairing

17:30 depart for Cape Town

18:30 arrive in Cape Town

What’s included:

- Air conditioned transport with WiFi

- 4 star luxury accommodation

- Green fees at Pearl Valley (ranked 5 in SA by Golf Digest)

- Cart

- Halfway house

- Snacks and drinks

- 1 x breakfast

- 2 x lunches

- 3 x Wine tasting and pairings

- Wine and Game drive


- Dinner

- Host gratuities (optional)


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