5 Days Kenya 4 by 4 Jeep Safari – Ol Pejeta Lake Naivasha and Masai Mara

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 2039 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 5 Tage

Tour Program

Day 1


Pickup from hotel and drive to Ol Pejeta Conservacny located in in between Mt Kenya and Aberdares foothills to arrive at Serena Sweet Waters Camp in time for lunch. After Lunch relax and follow up with an afternoon gae drive exploring the sweet waters chimpanzee santuary and ol pejeta. Return for dinner and overnight at serena sweetwaters camp

Accommodation: Sweet Waters Serena Camp

Day 2


Morning game drive and explore the conservancy further. A chance to see more preditors elephants and the endangered Rhinos, Zebras, Giraffes and more wild animals. If weather allows captivating shots of Mt Kenya peaks and sunrise pictures can be captured from the park. Return to the camp for breakfast and leave for our next destination, Naivasha town.

Arrive at our camp or lodge loacated by the shores of a fresh water Nake Naivasha in the floors of Rift Valley. After lunch you may opt for an optinal boat ride in Lake Naivasha where your guide takes you on a 30 minutes boat ride in search of hippos. Beautiful sceneries and amazing bird life around the lake will amaze you. Or just relaz by your hotel room and watch animal that graze freely by the facility compound.

Accommodation: Lake Naivasha Sopa Lodge

Day 3


After breakfast visit the nearby Hellsgate National Park, a remarkable quarter of the Great Rift Valley. Spectacular scenery including the towering cliffs, water-gouged gorges, stark rock towers, scrub clad volcanoes and belching plumes of geothermal steam make it one of the most atmospheric Parks in Africa. You will enjoy mountain biking in the midst of wild animals, rock climbing and a natural spa swim if time allows. Leave before mid day or after lunch for masai Mara arriving at the parkin the evening. A short game drive en route to the camp or lodge. Upon arrival relax and wait for dinner. After dinner you can chose to relax by the bonfire or go to sleep.

Accommodation: Mara Bush Camp

Day 4


Explore Masai Mara in a full day game drive. Masai Mara Game reserve remains the most exciting wildlife eco-system in the Africa. It is host to the highest and most varied concentration of wild animals than any other wildlife park in the region. The scenic appeal of the tree studded savannah plains, the moderate climate and diversity of wild game species makes it a one stop shop for game viewing activities. We shall traverse the Masai Mara reserve on a full day of unlimited game viewing encountering the big five and more of the lesser game. Picnic lunch shall be by the Mara river as we watch hippos & crocodiles or maybe the great migration (July – October). On this day you can plan to undertake extra activities like Balon safaris or a visit to Masai village to learn about the culture.

Return in the evening for dinner and overnight at the camp or lodge.

Accommodation: Mara Bush Camp

Day 5


Pre - breakfast game drive in search of more preditors and also in an attempt to capture a wonderful sunrise from Masai Mara. Return to the camp or lodge for breakfast and prepare to leave for Nairobi. Lunch on this day will be en route. Arrive in late afternoon and be dropped at the hotel, residence or Airport to catch a flight to your next destination.

Accommodation: No accommodation



· Transport on a 4 by 4 safari van either minivan or Land cruiser Safari van

· Park entrance fees

· Services of an English Speaking guide throughout the safari

· Meals as indicated in the itinerary above

· Airport and hotel transfers

· Drinking water while on safari

· Cycling /game drives/guided walks inside Hellsgate National Park


· International flights

· Cost for extra activities in Nairobi such as a visit to Giraffe Center, David Sheldric, Guided city walk/tour, Karen Blixen on arrival date, Masai Mara village visit and Baloon safari

· Travel insurances and medical covers

· Alcoholic and soft drinks

· Guide tips

· Anything not in the itinerary


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