Lake Nakuru National Park Day Trip

Sprache Englisch, Suaheli
Kosten 270 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 1 Tag


Lake Nakuru National Park Day Trip

From Nairobi you drive to the floor of the Rift Valley and to the famous Lake Nakuru National Park, a famous park especially to the bird watchers and wild lovers. The park is frequented by hundred of fuchsia pink flamingos when climatic conditions are good. This is when its water levels are down and the weather is hot. The alkaline waters allow algae to thrive which later attracts flamingos and other water birds to come and feed on them.

Tour Programs



0600hrs: Pick up

0700hrs: Depart Nairobi for Nakuru

1000hrs: Arrive at Lake Nakuru National park and proceed for a 2hr game drive

1230hrs: Enjoy lunch at the Lake Nakuru Lodge or similar

1430hrs: Have an afternoon game drive enroute to Nairobi

1830hrs: Arrive in Nairobi and be dropped off at the picking point


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