Mountain Tour In Quba

Sprache Englisch, Russisch
Kosten 80 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 6 Stunden

Set out on a challenging hike in the mountains of Quba, Azerbaijan. Enjoy nature's beautiful vistas as you make your way to the Village of Giriz. Marvel at the splendid cave waterfall on this one day tour.

Giriz Village located at the foot of the mountain AgDag in 2000 m above the sea level. There are some springs, waterfalls and caves around the village. There are also old mosques in the village that were built in 8 century.

In the panoramic view of the mountains one can watch Caucasus eagles that fly from rocks.

Meeting point usually is in Quba city . (If you want me to pick you up from Baku and make a round trip for you than you should notify me in advance. The price will be different)

The price is for 1-2-3 person. To the tour included transportation, guiding.


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