New Year in Ethiopia

Sprache Amharisch, Englisch
Kosten 2150 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 2 Wochen

We offer a fascinating opportunity to celebrate the New Year twice a year!

The New Year in Ethiopia at 11 of September.

Ethiopia has its own calendar with 13 months, and each of the 12 months has 30 days, and the 13th month called Pagumen has 5 days, which becomes six in each leap year.

The Ethiopian New Year comes at the time when the heavy rainfall starts to cease, and the bright sun comes to shine over the green land, which is also covered by the golden flower known in Amharic language as “Adey Abeba”. The New Year in Ethiopia is celebrated with new hope, and the people are making special preparations.

People lit wooden torches (“chibo” in Amharic language), which symbolises the coming of the new season of sunshine after the end of the rainy season that has prevailed since June.

The Ethiopian New Year is accompanied by songs of girls. The girls, who are well-dressed and adorned, go from house to house and play the song with hand-drum.

Boys go from house to house to present pictures, painted by themselves, of angels or famous figures in the world, saying “Happy New Year.” But the heads of households provide small amounts of money as gifts.

Families preparing chicken, sheep, goats, and oxen meat and special bread (Diffo), as well as drinks of house-made beer, “Tella”, and a honey-wine “Tejj”. The coffee ceremony, though it is held at ordinary times at household level, is now conducted differently and colourfully.

After the New Year celebrations, we will take you on an unforgettable trip to the North or South of the country, depending on your preferences.

A price depends of place where to go.

If you are interested in it, feel free to write and ask about.


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